Introduction to MFR
The Myofascial Release Approach is an intensive “hands-on” technique for the whole body and was developed by John F. Barnes, P.T. MFR focuses on the fascial system of the body — the three-dimensional connective tissue web which surrounds EVERY structure of the body.
The Myofascial Component
Restrictions and dysfunction in the fascial system may be the underlying component to a multitude of conditions that cause pain, limited range of motion (ROM) and postural aberrations. Before we discuss the particular conditions that are affected by these fascial restrictions, let us review some of the basic information about fascia, its function and its importance.
Frequently Asked Questions
Read frequently asked questions to get you started on your program.
Fascial Theory
One of the goals of your therapy program is to begin to view yourself as a 3-dimensional being where every area of fluidity or tightness interplays with every other part of the body to influence levels of flexibility or rigidity and discomfort or well being.
I hope this works!
Many of us find ourselves putting forth so much time and energy and instead of effectively releasing our pain we effectively “chase our tails”, ending up with only temporary results.
Allowing Non-Resistance
There is a growing awareness of concepts surrounding non-resistance, flowing down stream and manifesting desires. But what does “non-resistance” mean and how does it relate to how we experience our bodies? We have, in our selves, an innate desire for wellness.
Our Servo-Mechanism
In order to give our innate servo-mechanism the most power we not only have to state our intention but imagine what it feels like, looks like and smells like (a total sensory image) when we achieve it. Not what it will feel like, but, in this moment, begin to experience in our body and self-image what it feels like having accomplished the goal.
Myofascial Maxims
Due to the nature of the fascial system as a continuous web the symptom may be quite distant from the actual cause. By looking at the body as a whole instead of separated parts, we can identify patterns and connections that can lead us to the cause in order to find a therapeutic outcome to the problem.
A word from John Barnes
A video of the founder of Myofascial release, John Barnes.
What makes MFR different?
Myofascial Release (MFR) differs from other forms of bodywork by finding and effectively treating the source of fascial pain and dysfunction.